Track Instagram accounts like a hawk

Anonymously track any Instagram account. Get daily reports of its follow, unfollow activity sent to your inbox πŸ”Ž

How it works

Step 1: Track a user πŸ”

Step 1:

Track a user πŸ”

Search for any user and start tracking!

We currently support tracking any public account with < 3000 following!

IgHawk search example

Step 2:

Get daily notifications πŸ“¬

Get daily updates sent straight to your inbox

See what accounts have been followed and unfollowed in the past 24 hours

IgHawk daily notifications example

Step 3:

See historical activity πŸ“Š

Store tracking activity over timeπŸ‘€

The longer you track an account, the more historical data you have access to!

IgHawk historical activity dashboard

Got a question? We have answers! πŸ€”

Can I track any public account?

Almost! The account must be public and must be following less than 3000 accounts. As of now, private accounts cannot be tracked

How often will I get the report emailed to me?

We will send a daily report to your email every 24 hours!

How accurate is this?

We are pretty accurate! However, rarely when an account is reactivated (and it was deactivated before we started tracking) it will show up as a follow. The longer you track an account for, the less this will happen since we track deactivations

How do I contact support?

Email us at, we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also join our discord (coming soon) and ask your question in there.